Adzviser: flexible marketing data connector barely with limits

At Adzviser, we are committed to unlocking greater potential and productivity through flexibility. From its inception designed by a former Google Ads software engineer, Adzviser has been built to meet the diverse needs of marketers with unmatched flexibility. Our offerings are divided into two primary areas of flexibility: business and engineering.

Business Flexibility

  • Unlimited Connections: Connect as many accounts as you need from any data source.
  • Unrestricted Queries: Make as many queries per day as your operations require.
  • Continuous Refreshes: Enjoy unlimited automatic refreshes in Google Sheets.
  • Total Data Integration Freedom: Choose any data source or destination to work with Adzviser, without limitations.


  • Custom GPTs: Build custom GPT models using Adzviser’s APIs on ChatGPT.
  • All-in-One Queries: Query multiple data sources, like Google Ads and Facebook Ads, in a single request.
  • Flexible Time Intervals: Include multiple time ranges in one query for better analysis.
  • Boundless Data Capacity: Receive responses with no row limits, accommodating extensive data sets.

Now let’s take a closer look.

Unlimited Connections

In Adzviser, a data source is any integrated marketing platform, such as Google Ads, Meta Ads, or Google Analytics. If you're a PPC expert, you have the flexibility to connect to an unlimited number of Google Ads or Bing Ads accounts with Adzviser.

Unlike Adzviser, most data connectors in today's market impose restrictions on the number of accounts marketers can link per data source. Consider Supermetrics, a widely used data connector among marketers. Its essential plan limits connections to 3 accounts per data source, the core plan allows up to 8, and the super plan increases this limit to 10 accounts per data source.

Similarly, Funnel.io imposes its own limitations through a system they term "flexpoints." To connect additional accounts beyond the base allocation, users must purchase more flexpoints, increasing their investment to expand their access.

Lastly, Power My Analytics also enforces restrictions on the number of accounts per data source. Their Single and Business plans begin with connectivity for just one account per data source, with each additional account incurring an extra charge of $5 per month.

Adzviser stands out by offering unlimited connections to multiple accounts across all data sources, providing unparalleled flexibility without requiring additional purchases or upgrades.

Unrestricted Queries

With Adzviser, you're free from worrying about daily, weekly, or monthly usage limits. Use our tools as much as you need—no restrictions, no complications. We aim to keep things straightforward for both you and us.

In contrast, many data connectors in the market enforce limits on the number of calls, queries, or runs. For instance, Dataslayer’s Freelance plan permits only 30 API calls per day, while its Small Agency plan allows 100, the Medium Agency plan 250, and the Large Agency plan 1,000 calls per day. Similarly, Coupler.io’s Starter plan caps at 500 runs per month, the Squad plan at 4,000, and the Business plan at 10,000 runs per month.

Adzviser's commitment to unrestricted queries sets us apart in a marketplace that often limits usage based on plan tiers. This freedom allows you to focus on what really matters—growing your business and refining your marketing strategies.

Continuous Refreshes

Adzviser's integrations with Google Sheets and Looker Studio allow marketers to refresh their data as often as needed. Our flexible approach means you can schedule refreshes daily, weekly, or monthly, irrespective of your subscription plan.

In contrast, many competing data connectors impose significant restrictions on refresh frequency. For instance, Supermetrics' Essential plan limits refreshes to once a week, while their Core Plan permits daily refreshes. SyncWith adopts a more restrictive approach in its Business Plan, capping refreshes at 100 per month, with the Business+ Plan increasing this limit to 1,000 monthly refreshes, and the Business Super Plan allowing up to 10,000 refreshes per month.

At Adzviser, we recognize marketers’ needs of having the most current data available. Scheduling unlimited and automatic refreshes at your preferred cadence is how we help marketers achieve this goal. Therefore, we don’t enforce any limitations on refreshes on Adzviser.

Total Data Integration Freedom

Adzviser's subscription plan offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing you to mix and match any combination of our supported data sources and destinations. We don't force more expensive plans on marketers for access to specific data sources or destinations. For instance, if you're an Instagram marketer with a Google Analytics account, you can seamlessly connect to Instagram Insights, Meta Ads, and Google Analytics 4 within our 3 data-source plan. Moreover, you're free to analyze your marketing data using ChatGPT, Google Sheets, or Looker Studio—choose the platform that best suits your needs.

In contrast, many competing data connectors restrict the freedom of data integrations. For example, Supermetrics requires separate subscriptions for Google Sheets and Looker Studio, doubling the cost if you need both. Additionally, their essential plan limits marketers to a set package of four data sources—Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Google Analytics (already sunsetted by Google), and Google Analytics 4. To access Instagram Insights, an upgrade to the Core plan is necessary, which not only imposes higher costs but also limits flexibility.

At Adzviser, we prioritize simplicity and flexibility. We believe that marketers pay us to be as helpful as possible. Therefore, we commit to providing total data integration freedom. This approach aligns with our core values of putting user needs first, without unnecessary constraints or expenses.

Custom GPTs

While standard GPTs by Adzviser are great on their own, we understand that almost every marketer has their secret sauce and wishes to infuse their AI agent with a personal touch. That's why Adzviser offers the flexibility to customize.

Regardless of your chosen subscription plan, Adzviser enables you to build your own GPTs using our APIs on ChatGPT. This customization allows you to tailor your AI agent specifically to your marketing strategies, adding unique configurations on knowledge and incorporating more actions, like those provided by Zapier. This adaptability ensures that your AI agent works exactly how you need it to, enhancing your marketing efforts with precision and personalization.

Learn more about building your custom GPTs here.

All-in-One Queries

Adzviser empowers marketers to blend your data right out of the box by enabling querying multiple data sources simultaneously in one single request. For instance, when you ask ChatGPT, “How much did I spend on Google Ads and Facebook Ads this month?” Adzviser processes and delivers the combined data in one comprehensive response, eliminating the need for multiple queries (see screenshot).

This capability essentially boils down to our robust engineering that excels in handling parallel requests from the outset. Here's an example of how a complex query is simplified into a single JSON request:

  "assorted_requests": {
    "google_ads_request": { "metrics": ["Cost"] },
    "fb_ads_request": { "metrics": ["Spend"] }
  "workspace_name": "XYZ",
  "date_ranges": [["2024-05-01", "2024-05-31"]]

This JSON structure demonstrates that the metrics from both Google Ads and Facebook Ads are fetched concurrently, streamlining your data retrieval process and saving valuable time. With Adzviser, you no longer have to wait for sequential responses from different servers, allowing you to focus more on strategy and less on data management.

Flexible Time Intervals

Adzviser allows marketers to query more than 2 time ranges in one single request (see screenshot). This feature is especially beneficial for marketers who need to analyze specific periods side by side, such as the first two weeks of January, February, March, and April, all in one go.

In contrast, our competitor Supermetrics restricts queries to just two time ranges per request (see screenshot). This limitation can hinder the ability to perform comprehensive time-based analysis efficiently.

With Adzviser, you're equipped to gather complex data across various intervals simultaneously, streamlining your analytics process and enhancing your strategic decision-making.

Boundless Data Capacity

At Adzviser, there are no restrictions on the size or number of rows returned per response. Marketers can trust in the complete and untruncated integrity of their data sets when using our tools.

In contrast, many competing data connectors place significant limits on the amount of data they deliver. For example, Coupler.io caps the maximum number of rows per run at 10,000 in their Starter Plan and 50,000 in their Squad Plan. Likewise, SyncWith imposes a limit of 25MB per data request.

With Adzviser, you enjoy the freedom to access extensive data sets without constraints, facilitating more comprehensive analyses and more informed decision-making.

Give Adzviser a try as your flexible marketing data connector

Adzviser is the most flexible yet affordable marketing data connector on the market. With Adzviser, marketers can connect to an unlimited number of accounts across all data sources and make unlimited queries without additional costs. Adzviser does not force marketers to pay more for access to specific data sources or destinations like our competitors. Moreover, our open API allows you to customize and build your own GPTs, giving you the tools to tailor our platform to meet your specific needs.

Experience the difference Adzviser can make for your business. Sign up for a 14-day trial at just $0.99 and start solving your marketing analytics challenges with maximum flexibility and affordability. Try Adzviser today!

Adzviser: affordable marketing analytics

Made and hosted entirely in the USA, Adzviser maintains affordable pricing for marketers through the following methods.

Adzviser: flexible marketing data connector barely with limits

At Adzviser, we are committed to unlocking greater potential and productivity through flexibility. Our offerings are divided into two primary areas of flexibility: business and engineering.

Adzviser: marketing analytics platform for freelancers and agencies

Adzviser is specifically designed for the needs of freelancers and agencies who work with clients managing web analytics, PPC and social media campaigns.

Adzviser: marketing analytics platform for in-house marketers

Adzviser can be a powerful tool for in-house marketers dedicated to the companies they serve. As an in-house marketer, you may wear multiple hats and run marketing campaigns on multiple platforms––from web analytics and social media to SEO and PPC.

Easy to use, affordable marketing analytics tool for ecommerce and startups

Adzviser helps founders of ecommerce and tech startups get performance metrics from their marketing platforms and web analytics to make more informed, data-driven decisions. Our platform supports a comprehensive range of data sources and destinations.

Adzviser: a simple tool to analyze marketing metrics

The goal of Adzviser is to provide marketers with extremely easy access to their data fast and accurately. If you don’t find our solution usefully simple, we have failed.

What makes Adzviser a great Supermetrics alternative

Many marketers rely on Supermetrics to connect to their marketing data and conduct analytics on platforms like Google Sheets and Looker Studio.