Adzviser: affordable marketing analytics

Talk to your marketing data with Adzviser w/o the chaos or breaking the bank

Adzviser’s mission is to deliver 90% of Supermetrics for 10% of its cost. Made and hosted entirely in the USA, Adzviser maintains affordable pricing for marketers through the following methods:

  1. In-House Engineering: Our founder personally handles all front-end and back-end development, eliminating the need for additional engineering costs.
  2. Product-Led Growth: We focus on product quality rather than sales teams, reducing overhead and emphasizing user experience and value.
  3. Bootstrap Financing: As a bootstrapped company, we are not held back by investors such as VCs or PEs. This frees us from the pressure of monthly or yearly profit growth.
  4. Keep Things Simple and Flexible: with our simple business model and flexible engineering, we keep development and maintenance costs low, which reduces debugging overhead.

In-House Engineering

Our founder Zeyuan Gu, a former software engineer at Google, is a very strong engineer who runs this one-man show for Adzviser. For many tech startups, engineering is typically the most cash-intensive aspect. Thankfully, it’s not the case for Adzviser. Zeyuan has extensive prior experience in engineering, having worked at the Fortune 500 SaaS company ServiceNow and at Google. Even though he was less familiar with front end engineering before Adzviser, he quickly acquired the skills and developed the MVP of Adzviser. Now, nearly two years into its development, Adzviser has evolved into a more mature and increasingly bug-free software. Zeyuan’s deep understanding of the entire codebase and APIs, such as those from Google Ads and Meta Ads, allows all development to remain in-house. This complete control over the engineering process ensures continual improvements, sustained product quality and, of course, low engineering cost.

Product-Led Growth

Adzviser has made a strategic decision not to hire a sales team. This not only keeps costs down but also preserves the invaluable opportunity for our founder, Zeyuan Gu, to engage directly with our customers. Inspired by Tesla's direct sales model, which eliminates the need for dealerships and salespersons, we embrace a straightforward approach. There's no need for haggling or negotiation. We believe in transparent pricing and are confident that our tools deliver significant value on their own. If you'd like to learn more about our products, feel free to contact us directly or explore our help docs.

Bootstrap Financing

In recent years, almost every startup founder’s main goal is to raise money. While such investments can fuel rapid industry expansion, they often divert founders' focus from product development to meeting investor expectations. At Adzviser, we've taken a different path by bootstrapping our company using our founder’s personal savings. This approach allows us to manage our finances with precision and ensures that our commitments align strictly with our product and customers—not external investors. We consciously choose to distance ourselves from venture capital to avoid becoming overly focused on investor returns. At Adzviser, the satisfaction of our users, particularly marketers, takes precedence over any potential investment gains. For us, the happiness of a single customer is infinitely more valuable than a $500,000 check from an investor.

Keep Things Simple and Flexible

This one is tricky. Everyone wants to keep things simple but it’s definitely not easy to accomplish. For Adzviser, we reduce overhead by simplifying our subscription plans to be transparent and straightforward. Unlike most of our competitors who have a complicated table of plans with varying restrictions and capabilities, all of Adzviser’s subscription plans provide exactly the same capabilities; the only difference is the number of data sources that can be connected.

Consider the simplicity of ordering coffee in a coffee shop, which usually offers three sizes: 8 oz, 12 oz, and 16 oz. The coffee is the same quality and type in all sizes—the difference is merely the volume. Similarly, while Supermetrics requires separate subscriptions for Google Sheets and Looker Studio integrations, Adzviser allows all subscribers, regardless of their plan, to access all integrations without any restrictions. Read more about how Adzviser maximizes flexibility for marketers.

This approach not only simplifies our offerings but also minimizes the time spent on managing complex pricing tables. As a result, we can dedicate more resources to enhancing our connectors, improving customer support, and other key areas that directly benefit our users.

Sounds like an interesting alternative to you?

Adzviser is built for marketers who hope to supercharge their marketing analytics without breaking a bank. Marketers can flexibly and intuitively report and analyze their performance metrics from marketing platforms such as Google Ads, Meta Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and more.

Try Adzviser and give it a shot. Sign up for a 14-day trial for $0.99 today. We believe that we will bring much more value to you than what we charge.

Adzviser: affordable marketing analytics

Made and hosted entirely in the USA, Adzviser maintains affordable pricing for marketers through the following methods.

Adzviser: flexible marketing data connector barely with limits

At Adzviser, we are committed to unlocking greater potential and productivity through flexibility. Our offerings are divided into two primary areas of flexibility: business and engineering.

Adzviser: marketing analytics platform for freelancers and agencies

Adzviser is specifically designed for the needs of freelancers and agencies who work with clients managing web analytics, PPC and social media campaigns.

Adzviser: marketing analytics platform for in-house marketers

Adzviser can be a powerful tool for in-house marketers dedicated to the companies they serve. As an in-house marketer, you may wear multiple hats and run marketing campaigns on multiple platforms––from web analytics and social media to SEO and PPC.

Easy to use, affordable marketing analytics tool for ecommerce and startups

Adzviser helps founders of ecommerce and tech startups get performance metrics from their marketing platforms and web analytics to make more informed, data-driven decisions. Our platform supports a comprehensive range of data sources and destinations.

Adzviser: a simple tool to analyze marketing metrics

The goal of Adzviser is to provide marketers with extremely easy access to their data fast and accurately. If you don’t find our solution usefully simple, we have failed.

What makes Adzviser a great Supermetrics alternative

Many marketers rely on Supermetrics to connect to their marketing data and conduct analytics on platforms like Google Sheets and Looker Studio.